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How to charge your mascot: ways and types of energy

First of all you need select that kind of energy your mascot will be charged. Also, you should ask yourself several questions. Why do you need a mascot? What are your aims and intentions? May be you want to attract into your live the pleasant circumstances or to improve your existence. In order of mascot work you need charge the correct energy. Let`s see, how you can do it.

There are five main types of mascot charging:

1) Your own energy;

2) The power of soil;

3) The power of water;

4) The power of fire;

5) The energy of air;

Now we consider the similar type of your mascot charging. It is the usage of energies of the Sun and Moon. When you look for an appropriate mascot, it is very important to understand that object can become one. You must feel that this is your thing that changes dramatically your entire life. Just take the subject into your hand. Feel its energy. You feel warm, of course. Just imagine what will happen with you in time of using it. If you get a feel related with thing, its radiation or other positive response it will mean that this is really your mascot. It will be wonderful and suitable in practice.

Particularly good signal is a radiation heat. It this case you will get a powerful amulet. If the response of the object does not occur after a certain time, it will be weak mascot. The absence of response means mistakable choice.

Let`s consider how you can charge the mascot using your own energy.

You must concentrate very much charging the amulet with it. The selected object must be established according to individual contact. May be it sounds silly, but you need talk with him kindly, explaining your mission and wishes. The mascot will understand what you want from it, and will continue act to the beaten path. Important thing is your energetic message to the subject. It's the call of your heart to the Forces of the Universe, which appear through the mascot.

Here just keep in mind that specifics are very specifics in the messages. Accuracy – is the key to success. If your dreams are blurred, as the makeup of the weeping girl, the answer of mascot will be similar. It will be very good to take the mascot into your hands. This gesture charges your mascot with energy and receives reciprocal benefits. This procedure leads the foundations of your goal. The ritual of charging looks in the next way.

So, you found a subject that will become your mascot. You can charge it with your own energy that did not weak its power. First of all, the selected thing should be cleaned of all the energy that it possesses. God knows what's hidden in this thing, which it managed to pick up a set of “lived” under the sun.

For cleaning, we need an ordinary candle. Just take and hold the object over the flame of fire. At the same time say exactly and clearly. “Dirt burns, evil does away”. Imagine how negative the energy of black color slowly burns in the flame of a candle.

Then sit down, taking the mascot into your hands. Feel its energy. Your task is to imagine clearly properly that both of your hands opens the flow of energy and absorbed into the mascot. If you want to get a protection from evil, speak the words of care about it. If you have some fears, define its sense and origin. You can ask the protection from phobias, as well as very real threats. Although experts do not recommend spend it, because that's the way you're setting the object in another mood. Thus you kill its versatility, but add specific protection against certain evils. Best of all is to have protection from a particular evil – especially if you know where grow the roots of troubles.

The next important type is the sphere of soil. Paint the prepared object in the blue or gold color. It should be easily washed off. After the painting this thing should be buried. This element will give power for the mascot. In such case it will be able to resist any negative energy.

Choose any natural environment for the ritual: field, forest, lawn or meadow. If you have not these opportunities, then you could put the soil into an ordinary flower pot. Just keep in mind that it will give to the mascot a little charge forces. We need in the complete charging of the mascot.

So you are already into needful place, dig a small hole, and imagine how your object will absorb the force of the earth.

Put the thing in the hole, fill it and then dig through the treasure three times. Crossing the soil, ask it to accept your item. You should come back to your artifact in three days.

Now try to do an energy attraction ritual using water. Water – the meaning of life all things on earth. What is way it is a sin not to use its energy. Water cleanses, removes negative appearances. It is able to charge with its help many objects.

Use only pure natural water, suitable stream, spring or well.

Refer to the water, apologize that you have disturb it. Ask to charge your object. Then low out the object in a container of water. Further, there is necessary to clean the container in a dark place for three days.

In the incident of three days, remove the artifact from the water. Do it very carefully. Let the excess water will drain, and put your mascot into the box. Water should be poured at the intersection of three roads.

The power of fire will give your mascot special properties. We need a wax candle for charging. Light a candle and carry three times over the flame of your item. As in the case of water, ask the fire of forgiveness and resolution. Charging the artifact fire will help in luck. It will need a lot of energy. Power of fire will be able to give the object a special kind of energy.

Blow three times after mascot charging. Do it weakly first of two times. Then do it stronger for extinguishing the flames. Let Salamanders nourish your mascot with tenacious power of fire.

The last one is air energy. The air – is a powerful element, which is used in various ceremonies. There are two options: charge the mascot with your own breath or the smoke that comes from scented candles.

If you decide to use your own air power, then take the subject in hand. After, open the palm of your hand and blow to thing. Do it strongly, but gently. When you blow, imagine all your dreams in the most vivid colors.

Using scented candles, be three times to carry the item over the smoke. At that, you must ask to fill with the air force the mascot.

You can improve charging using the forces of the Sun and Moon. Just leave the thing in such state that rays of light will fall to it. It will to your mascot the power of the heavenly bodies. In the case of the sun you can leave the thing for the whole day.

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