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Choosing of mascot or amulet

Evidently it is one of the most important esoteric questions. Incorrectly choose mascot can play a cruel joke with its owner. Searching ways of happiness attraction and protection, appealing love, luck, health and overall well-being criteria, modern man is not inclined to pay a special attention of choosing his own mascot. Today, the diverse of mascots increase. It includes the decoration, giving a fictitious value.

Here you will find not so much information, but it is full of sense. It will provide you a big protection.

It is true that in the quality of mascot can be used anything. But there is a significant caveat. Thing must be manifested accordingly and after it can continue to go to the rows or status of mascots. Our ancestors understood the sense of mascots and were able to choose that they really need. Early, alchemists and astrologers were considered such things. Gradually, it was confided to spellcasters.

There is a vital question, what should the mascot be? The mascots and amulets were exposed to a number of requirements. The main aim was similar to the commandments of physicians – “No harm!” A well-chosen mascot was the protector of man for all the times, while “alien” could be neutral and or have a negative impact. In this case, negative actions are physical harm or material loss for person.

Incorrectly chosen a mascot can increase the certain human vices, making more it the significance of the negative features of his character. So it is meaningless to deny the negative activity of the mascot. For the best choice you should listen to your hurt, you inside voce and feel your soul.

Let`s the foundation of article. The question is “How to choose a mascot?”

Find you mascot or chose it, making characteristics according to your star sign. It has an individual set of metals, stones, plants, colors, numbers, planets, elements and other.

Another important point is prohibition on wearing an alien amulet or mascot. It should start with the next thing. An alien mascot can become a thin doing by your own. The mistake can be hidden in choice of components. Inappropriate stone (regardless of its value) in the mascot can work for destruction your health and other areas of your life. Imagine that except the stone is not quite correctly chosen the symbol and a metal for the mascot. What expect you from him – help or harm? You even like his shape… for example.

The answer is simple: make a wonderful shape from the stone of your star sign. There are different conclusions about harm and use of alien mascot.

To be neutral (this happens when the mascot “closed” and has no effect, it is worn purely as decoration).

To have a weak negative effect, bringing its owner a feeling of discomfort, indecisiveness, can be a culprit of some minor setbacks.

Have a powerful negative energy that can destroy many areas of a person's life, including his health, family life, career, etc.

You can check reconcilability your mascot with you too. It is obligatory to do it. Early days of its use, try to record all significant events, regardless if they are positive or not. In addition, listen to your mascot and the sensations it evokes. The mood changes, deterioration or improvement of health, successful outcome of cases or the addition of new problems – all are important in assessing the compatibility of mascot with you.

Carry it with you during the week. Then take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns. In the write first column are all positive developments and feels of mascot. In the second write all the negative events and feelings. If positive events are in majority, this talisman can be used.

Remember one more important thing. Mascots with beautiful shape will bring no good significance. Moreover you found it occasionally near your house, somewhere in the street of in public transport. It can bring even evil and harm. It can be things that were specifically charged with negative energy. It can be left in the form of repurchase or transfer the misfortune, sickness, or death to another person. Who took them – he was gone.

Never wear jewelry and that you were given not from the heart. The mascot, gifted by man, in whose sincerity you doubt, it is better to give to another or tactfully refuse his gift.

A good choice represents mascots from stones. The stones have excellent properties and can be wonderful mascots. People always believe in the miraculous power of the stones (ordinary, semi-precious and precious). The crystals belong to a special category of stones that can cure illness, to avert the eye hex, to help find their love and etc. It is also believed that the motion frequency of these crystals is similar to or similar to the frequency of the human body. Depending on the illness you can choose for wearing (or be applied to causal) the corresponding crystal, which will suppose correct the frequency your patient's body and eliminate the disease.

For instance, mineral is a fragmental particle of rock. Its structure and energy is less similar to human energy. If the crystal is able to restore a sick body, the mineral does not only heals him but also gives the human body additional beneficial properties. Naturally, the choice of such a crystal or mineral is not easy. If you cannot decide which crystal or mineral is right for you, consult with an experienced spellcaster. If you have such opportunity, it will remain to verify and examine by your own.

Searching the answer for question, (how to find right mascot), choose a stone for the night and attach it to his left hand (the inner side to some projection of pulse). It can also be put in small bag with a drawstring and be worn on the neck until morning. You need sleep with this stone since night till the morning. Then you understand what stone is an appropriate. Estimating the energy of stone, do not forget the following factors.

Restless sleep with heavy or unpleasant dreams says don't use the stone.

The bed must be in order in the morning. It will be looks like the day before, without any serious changes.

And of course is health. You must feel yourself good without ailment or lack of sleep.

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